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The more you allow your negative thinking patterns to become activated, the more they become habit. They become your comfort zone and your first response to a situation. Without managing and transforming them, your negative thoughts run the danger of becoming part and parcel of your daily life.
How often do you negative thoughts arise?
What is the effect that they have had on your life and your attitude, your ability to really enjoy yourself?
You CAN break the habit of your negative thinking patterns and turn them around. Here is a simple and tested 3-step process I developed for shifting from those negative thoughts to positive ones that encourage a joyful experience of life!:
1) Isolate and Track Your Negative Thoughts: So often, we move through our days without even being aware the damage that our negative thinking patterns are doing. You can make a lot of progress by simply training your mind acknowledge them. The more that you can see your negative thoughts, the more you will bring them out of your blind-spot where they can do the most damage. Becoming a detective around your negative thoughts will allow you to see them much more clearly, then giving you the freedom and choice to change them. A great tool is to keep a log of all the negative thoughts that come up for you in a 24-hour period, including:
1. the date and time
2. the negative thought you had (I'll never make enough money, or I'll never live in a place that I love or I'll be stuck in this job forever)
3. any details that seem important: if you had that thought while comparing yourself to a specific person, while visiting family, while working, when you are tired or hungry
2) Create an Action-Based Alternative Thought for Yourself: This is where the "re-wiring" comes in to play. Once you are aware of your negative thoughts and how they function, you then have the freedom to create new, positive propelling thoughts for yourself. For each of the negative thoughts on your log, write down a replacement goal along with a concrete baby action step that will help reach your goal. Here are some examples:
3) Have a Gratitude Attitude: This is the final step to re-wiring negativity, and it's a crucial one. Remember to acknowledge all of the things that are going right! You'll be amazed at what a shift in your thinking that can make!
Following these three easy steps will move you well on your way to freeing yourself from the negative thinking patterns that keep you stuck, and propel you onto the road of realizing and achieving your goals!
I believe with every fiber in my being that women have the power to transform the world. Because of this, I coach busy women who are looking to nourish their creativity and take their lives to the next level. I partner with my clients to create vitality, passion, and fulfillment in their lives. These women are often already doing or are ready to embark on projects that will launch them out into the world to have a voice, create inspiration, and take action. I support every woman I work with in being as BIG as she can be.
That's one of my personal missions! To read more about me and what I do please visit soulfulcoach.com/bio.html.
Chris Keenan